Thursday, November 13, 2014

American Foxhound

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American Foxhound
The American foxhound is similar to his cousin the English foxhound but is taller and a little faster. Having a good nose, the American foxhound chases foxes in packs and can run for hours and hours. 

History and Origin

The American foxhound is a descendant of English hounds brought to the new world in the mid 1600s to trail foxes. The breed was initially developed in Virginia, Maryland and Kentucky. French and Irish hounds were also used to refine the breed and the modern American foxhound was created. 

There are several different strains of American foxhound that have been developed over the years. The Walker strain is the most common. Others include the July, Trigg, Calhoun, Hudspeth and Goodman strains. 

Historically, the American foxhound has been used to hunt wild animals and may have originally been used to track American Indians.

In 1886, the American foxhound was recognized by the American Kennel Club as a member of the hound group. 

Appearance and Size

The American foxhound is a medium sized dog with a long muzzle, long shoulders and long straight legs. The feet are small and cat-like and the ears are set low and hang. Although similar in appearance to the English foxhound, the American foxhound is lighter and taller. The tail is carried with a slight upward curve. 

The coat of the American foxhound is short and glossy and can be of any color. 

The adult American foxhound stands around 22 to 25 inches at the shoulder and weighs about 65 to 70 pounds.


The American foxhound is an intelligent and brave dog with a pleasant personality. The breed thoroughly enjoys the hunt and can run for hours. When compared to the English foxhound, the American breed is a little leaner and quicker. 

Home and Family Relations

The American foxhound is a very active breed that usually prefers to spend his time in a pack with other dogs. Families that wish to have an American foxhound as a pet should consider obtaining a dog from show lines instead of a hunting line. 

The foxhound requires lots of exercise and is an obedient and loyal companion. He can be friendly with people and good with children but tends to enjoy time with other dogs. 

As with the English foxhound, the American foxhound is not recommended for apartment life. He requires too much exercise. This dog would rather live in a country setting and needs daily and extensive exercise and should only be allowed off leash in a safe area since he may follow any scent he may pick up. Be aware that as with other hounds, the American foxhound likes to bay. Some people feel their voices are very melodious but neighbors may not agree. 


The American foxhound is a natural hunter but can be trained as a watchdog and for agility with lots of patience. This breed can be difficult to housebreak.

Special Concerns

The American foxhound does not like to be left alone with nothing to do or confined for long periods of time. They are intelligent dogs and need mental stimulation to prevent destructive behaviors and need exercise to expel their exuberant energy. 

Common Diseases and Disorders

The American foxhound is a hardy breed that has few known diseases. Deafness and hip dysplasia have been reported. Feed this breed carefully since they are prone to obesity, especially if not exercise adequately. 

The average life span of the American foxhound is 10 to 12 years.

We realize that each dog is unique and may display other characteristics. This profile provides generally accepted breed information only.


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