Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cisplatin (Platinol-AQ®)

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  • Cisplatin is a drug used to treat malignant cancer. The drug, which contains platinum, affects the DNA of rapidly dividing cells but the exact mechanism of action is not clearly understood.
  • Due to potential serious reactions, cisplatin should not be used in cats.
  • As with most cancer treating drugs, cisplatin is used in combination with other drugs to enhance its ability to combat malignancy.
  • Due to potential damage to kidneys, dogs receiving cisplatin are usually on intravenous fluids before, during and after the drug is given.
  • Due to the toxic nature of cisplatin, it is given in a hospital setting. The veterinarian and assistants should wear gloves when handling the drug.
  • Cisplatin is a prescription drug and can only be obtained from a veterinarian or by prescription from a veterinarian.
  • This drug is not approved for use in animals by the Food and Drug Administration but it is prescribed legally by veterinarians as an extra-label drug.

    Brand Names and Other Names

  • This drug is registered for use in humans only.
  • Human formulations: Platinol-AQ (Bristol Myers Oncology)
  • Veterinary formulations: None

    Use of Cisplatin

  • Cisplatin is used to treat various cancers such as carcinomas, nasal cancer and thyroid cancer.

    Precautions and Side Effects

  • While generally safe and effective when prescribed by a veterinarian, cisplatin can cause side effects in some animals.
  • Cisplatin should not be used in animals with known hypersensitivity or allergy to the drug.
  • Cisplatin should be avoided in dogs with active infections, hearing impairment, kidney or liver disease.
  • Cisplatin should not be used in cats.
  • Cisplatin may interact with other medications. Consult with your veterinarian to determine if other drugs your pet is receiving could interact with cisplatin. Such drugs include amphotericin B and certain antibiotics.
  • Kidney damage, bone marrow dysfunction, loss of appetite, seizures, diarrhea and hearing loss can occur after administration of cisplatin.
  • Many patients will vomit immediately after the drug is given.

    How Cisplatin is Supplied

  • Cisplatin is only available as an injection in 1mg/ml concentrations. Both 50 ml and 100 ml vials are available.

    Dosing Information

  • Medication should never be administered without first consulting your veterinarian. Cisplatin is only administered in a hospital setting.
  • Cisplatin is dosed at 60 to 70 mg/m2 over 20 minutes every 3 weeks.
  • Dogs receiving cisplatin should be given intravenous fluids before, during and after administration.
  • The duration of administration depends on the condition being treated, response to the medication and the development of any adverse effects.

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