Thursday, December 11, 2014

CLOMICALM® (Clomipramine Hydrochloride) Tablets

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Canine separation anxiety represents a distress response to physical separation from people. The symptoms of separation anxiety become evident when a dog is separated from those people to which he or she is most attached. Separation anxiety is a behavioral disorder that is extremely common. A dog with separation anxiety is usually calm and well behaved around the person (or people) to whom he is most attached, but when left alone, the dog exhibits symptoms such as:

  • Destruction (chewing, digging)
  • Inappropriate urinating or defecating
  • Excessive barking or whining

    But now there is an effective approach to the treatment of separation anxiety:

    The CLOMICALM® Plan combines a simple set of guidelines for interacting with your dog with a safe new medicine, CLOMICALM Tablets.

    CLOMICALM Tablets are the only medication approved for the treatment of separation anxiety in dogs. They work by making it easier for your dog to learn new, positive behaviors. CLOMICALM Tablets are not a tranquilizer or a sedative, and they will not affect your dog's personality or memory.

    CLOMICALM Tablets have been proven safe by clinical studies. They've been approved by the FDA,* which means they meet similar tough standards as human medications. In studies, the most common side effects were vomiting, lethargy and diarrhea.

    (*NADA #141-120, Approved by the FDA.)

    CLOMICALM Tablets should be given along with behavior training. This includes simple guidelines for interacting with your pet.


    Before Leaving
  • Pay no attention to your dog for 10-30 minutes before going out.

    (Note: When you leave, make it low key, without elaborate goodbyes. Just walk out the door.)
  • Leave a special toy or a treat to distract the dog when you go out and remove the item upon your return.

    (Note: Make this something special, like a food-filled treat, so that your leaving is associated with something positive. The treat should also occupy your dog during those critical first moments after your departure.)

    When Returning
  • Ignore dog until he is quiet and relaxed, then interact on owner's initiative.

    (Note: You may not realize it, but even eye contact can be rewarding to a dog seeking attention. Interact with your dog only when he is quiet, thus rewarding his calm behavior.)
  • Do not reprimand dog for destructive behavior or for urinating or defecating in the house.

    (Note: No matter what you find when you get home, remember that your dog could not control himself when you were away. Punishment will not help, and will only increase his anxiety.)

    At Home
  • Interact with dog only at your initiative and when the dog is relaxed.

    (Note: Again, show your dog that you like to play with him when he's calm and relaxed. To encourage independence, avoid constant physical contact with your dog. Encourage him to lie down near you, but not in contact with you.)
  • Teach your dog to stay calm as you move away; gradually increase distance and time away.

    (Note: Teach your dog to be alone, little by little. Have him sit or lie down and stay in place as you back away, praising his calm behavior. Gradually increase your distance and time away, to help him become more independent, and cope with being alone.)
  • Put your coat on or play with your keys at times other than departure.

    (Note: Certain cues tell your dog that you're getting ready to leave. When he sees these, he begins to panic. This technique will help him become indifferent to those cues.)


    If you suspect your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, call your veterinarian today to make a special behavior appointment. Your veterinarian will be able to determine if your dog has separation anxiety. The CLOMICALM Plan can offer a safe, effective solution.

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