Recurrent cystitis is defined as repeated bouts of inflammation of the urinary bladder. Generally in small animal veterinary medicine, cystitis is usually synonymous with "bladder infection."
General Causes
Inappropriately treated urinary tract infections
Inflammation in the urogenital tract
Neoplasia (cancer) in the urogenital tract
Metabolic disorders (kidney disease, liver disease, Cushing's disease)
Neurologic disorders (causing retention of urine)
Urolithiasis (stones in the urinary tract)
Congenital (present at birth) urinary tract abnormalities
Parasites that affect the urinary tract
Medication (chemotherapy, corticosteroids)
Recurrent cyctitis is most common in female dogs of any age or breed. Clinical signs depend on the severity and possibly underlying cause of cystitis. Affected individuals may be asymptomatic (have no clinical signs), and infections may be picked up on routine testing.
Watch to Watch for
Bloody urination
Painful urination
Frequent urination
Urgency to urinate
Vaginal or penal discharge
Inappropriate urination
Diagnostic Tests
Complete blood count
Biochemical profile
Urine bacterial culture and sensitivity
Abdominal radiographs (X-rays)
Contrast cystourethrogram (dye study of the lower urinary tract)
Abdominal ultrasound
Urinary bladder biopsy and culture
Treat the underlying disease if identified
Proper antibiotic therapy (type, strength, and length of administration)
Dietary manipulation
Surgical intervention may be necessary in certain cases, such as stones or tumors.
Home Care
Administer all medication and diet as recommended by your veterinarian.
Contact your veterinarian at once if your pet is showing clinical signs consistent with cystitis.
Preventative Care
Follow your veterinarian's recommendation regarding diet and medication administration, as these practices may help to prevent recurrence in the future.
General Causes
Recurrent cyctitis is most common in female dogs of any age or breed. Clinical signs depend on the severity and possibly underlying cause of cystitis. Affected individuals may be asymptomatic (have no clinical signs), and infections may be picked up on routine testing.
Watch to Watch for
Diagnostic Tests
Home Care
Administer all medication and diet as recommended by your veterinarian.
Contact your veterinarian at once if your pet is showing clinical signs consistent with cystitis.
Preventative Care
Follow your veterinarian's recommendation regarding diet and medication administration, as these practices may help to prevent recurrence in the future.
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