Friday, December 19, 2014

Sealyham Terrier

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The Sealyham terrier is an uncommon terrier but is plucky and full of life. This breed has a devoted following and is one of the calmest of the terriers. 

History and Origin

The Sealyham terrier originated in Wales in the mid 1800s by Captain John Edwards, who lived in Sealyham in Pembrokeshire. Captain Edwards crossed hounds, corgis, West Highland white terrier, Dandie Dinmont terriers and wirehaired fox terriers in an attempt to develop a tenacious dog that could hunt badgers by scent and by sight. 

This breed is still a great vermin chaser but is also a wonderful companion, but is uncommon in the United States.

In 1911, the Sealyham terrier was recognized by the American Kennel Club as a member of the terrier group. 

Appearance and Size

The Sealyham is a muscular dog with a domed head, short straight legs, long neck, large feet and a docked tail. The eyes are dark, wide apart and set deep in the head. The ears are folded at the level of the head and fold forward. 

The coat of the Sealyham is long and wiry with a soft undercoat. The coat color is typically white but some may have lemon, tan or badger markings on the ears and head.

The adult Sealyham terrier stands around 12 inches at the shoulder and weighs about 18 to 20 pounds.


The Sealyham terrier is a happy and playful dog. A loyal family companion, the Sealyham is less active and rowdy than other terriers but is reserved around strangers and some have an independent streak. 

Home and Family Relations

The Sealyham terrier is a great family dog that does well in the city or country. The breed can do well with children if introduced to them at an early age. This terrier is very protective of his family and will bark when strangers approach. 

The Sealyham terrier can live happily in an apartment as long as he is taken on daily walks. This terrier tends to be inactive indoors and is a great companion for people who enjoy spending a lot of time on the sofa. The Sealyham can live with other pets but may chase household cats.


The Sealyham terrier can be a little difficult to train, especially those with a stubborn streak. They require a firm but kind trainer. 

Special Concerns

The Sealyham terrier does not like to be left alone with nothing to do. They are intelligent dogs and need mental stimulation to prevent destructive behaviors. As with other terriers, this breed tends to dig and bark if bored. This dog should not be allowed to roam off leash since he may chase small quick little creatures. 

Common Diseases and Disorders

The Sealyham terrier is a hardy breed that has few known diseases. The most common areskin allergies, deafness and progressive retinal atrophy, a disease that causes nerve cells at the back of the eye to degenerate, leading to blindness. 

The average life span of the Sealyham terrier is 13 to 15 years.

We realize that each dog is unique and may display other characteristics. This profile provides generally accepted breed information only.


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